Sunday, February 6, 2011


General Belisarius is back from Toronto after trying to get the Royal Ontario Museum to include Belisarius in their exhibit. They said, 'they'd certainly take my suggestions under concideration.'
ps, I think the sc. hum. project is due already, sucka!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011


Dove men+care is amazing. Do you want your manhide to dry out? Do you really? So stop mocking it for what it is.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


dont keep your man hide moisturized with dove (homo habilis) men+care

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Our Friend George

Comment if you think the best name for either a biography or (unlikely he'd ever admit he's that stupid) autobiography of George Bush be called, 'Woops, my bad!'

thats a good one!!
kind of gay, but ok i guess
check out my site!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


It snowed like a foot last night, so NO SCHOOL!!! Sweet, precious freedom.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

First day

It's the first day of school. Pretty self explanatory, so that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


keep your manhide moisturized with dove+care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas time

Hey everybody,
I just wanna wish you a merry Christmas. Even our Amazon friend Mr. Bush. (Cough Cough) School is officially out now and stuff. What's everybody doing for Christmas this year. I think we're going to Whistler or something. I will get lots of books on General Belisarius (hence the name, seriously.)
Bye peoples, and don't forget to have a happy new year.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


its all good and heres a message from our sponsors: Hi here, just wanting to tell you that there is a new book out by none other than the hourable(cough cough) George Bush. just buy it okay

Skits and stuff

hi peoples. Hi hi hi, enough chit chat, how did our skit do today? Sorry I wasn't there, but I was miserably sick. If you need me do anything, tell me. Or was the powerpoint a dismal failure? I hate being ignorant of our disposition!


can you give me the youtube urls my computer is bein disagreeable it wont lt me access th youtube pleeze find the urls

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Adressed to either Ollipop (mwahaha) or MBsitecreater (matthew)
How to get movies to powerpoint:
1. Log on to xtranormal and youtube, and publish the grinch intro and end on youtube
2. Get 'FLV youtube downloader' or SOMETHING like that, and download the vids.
3. Download them onto your computer, then put them on a powerpoint.
4. Email the powerpoint to me @
PLEASE!!! (P.S. Matthew, nothing fancy. Keep it simple.)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Im at home doin homework and stuff but im gonna make an xtranorm so yea see u tomorrow

Hi everybody

Hi guys it's Matthew.

I just recently bought the santa and snowman showpak for Xtranormal State so I'll be working on that for the skit.
See you tommorow.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Who's doing which skit? We need that info. to do xtranormal intros and stuff.
(P.S.-Oliver, stop putting random stuff on our xtranormal. I mean, you could've done a lot worse, but STILl!)
ya i will make one this instant

Monday, December 6, 2010


Hi, peoples. Most guys on the blog (who actually post) are doing the skit. So, anyways, how's the skit going? Me and Oliver are doing some xtranormal stuff. But what the heck is everyone else doing? It would be nice to know, atleast, after we abandoned people to their own fates.
Oliver, we should do some short ones with luchadorz for in between skits.

Me sad

Why do you dislike me, Nate? I'm sorry if I did something wrong, but now I'm just sad.
General Belisarius, I dislike you, you fool!

Friday, December 3, 2010

My week

Sorry, I sent the fish to swim with the fishes. It's my editing week, so yeah. Your week is up next, so ummm..., you can put fishes all over the place next week if you deem it so. Just not bananas, 'cause I haven't put any more Belisarius than usual
brendan were are the fish were did they go!!!!

Winter Wonderland

The new background is actually snow. Hard to see, but it is. You know, get into the Christmas spirit! So, it's my week, I won't make very many changes, but I'll try to get some holiday apps going. That would be cool. Next week's editor is Nate. Uh-oh, we better get ready to get holiday banana-fied.


URM  XXX yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yu

Merry Christmas

'Sup everybody. Have a merry christmas. We're doing Secret Santas and stuff. Only a couple of school weeks left. Too early to say happy holidays and stuff, but it's fast approaching.


Argueblog failed, post on this blog instead! But don't make it a warzone.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I REMOVED THAT PICTURE! This is...ummm... kind of a school website that Mme. Buckle is checking. If we have to argue and you have to post this random stuff, this is why I made 'argueblog.' Check the link at the bottom, and sign up!


Invite me to the other blog and i will put it there
um brendan about that picture.......
this being a school site you might want to take that off